Halton BC contract extension for WSR Recycling

on May 19, 2017
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written by WSR Recycling

Halton Borough Council (HBC) – Award of Contract For The Provision Of Residual Waste Treatment Services 35,000T - 2014 – 2016 – Possible 2 Year Extension

WSR Recycling Limited has been awarded the above contract. This is a two year contract with a possible two year extension. WSR has worked previously with HBC and has over the years developed a good working relationship which has been built on by reputation, reliability and a high hbcquality of service delivery.

In 2011, WSR was also awarded the HBC Waste Reception, Recycling and Transfer Services contract, a two year contract with a possible 2 year extension period. WSR successfully serviced this contract and has been awarded the first 12 month extended period which will commence in August 2014.
The aims and objectives of the newly awarded HBC contract (Residual Waste) is to secure services for the diversion of residual municipal waste away from landfill. One of the criterion was for a facility to be located within a 6 mile radius of the HBC depot in Widnes. WSR is located in a prime location and met this criterion. WSR has their own recycling and transfer facility on Ditton Road, Widnes and are able to provide a flexible service to HBC, by being able to operate/receive material 24 hours, 7 days per week. WSR are also licensed to accept up to 200,000 tonnes per annum.

WSR are able to receive and store HBC’s material in a separate bay, so that an audit trail can be provided for HBC which allows them to meet their targets and objectives in diverting material away from landfill. WSR’s service delivery plan for HBC’s material is to shred, separate and send in bulk to an Energy For Waste (EfW) facility in the UK.

WSR recognise that in order to meet HBC, and of course their other customer’s requirements, they have recognised the need to expand and therefore decided to undertake and develop an expansion programme and have already, as part of this programme, constructed a 3200 m² warehouse for contracts from Local Authorities such as HBC. This new warehouse will be used to facilitate the new HBC contract.

The award of this contract has enabled WSR to expand and develop not only their site infrastructure but also their workforce. WSR’s workforce will increase by 30%. This of course is an advantage for WSR, HBC and its local community. Current jobs within WSR are also safeguarded.

WSR will also be investing in new plant and machinery to the value of £550K. WSR has been fortunate in securing funding from the HBC RGF growth Fund to the value of £100K. This was secured following a rigorous application by WSR. The funding secured via the RGF growth fund will be used for new plant and machinery and job creation. WSR are pleased to be able to support its local community by offering employment to local people.

WSR has a credible history regarding Health and Safety and environmental compliance. WSR is accredited with ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System and is currently awaiting ISO 14001 Environmental Management System accreditation and will be working towards the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety Standard in the near future as part of their continual improvement programme.

Nicholas and Amanda Prescott, Directors and Owners of WSR Recycling Limited, are pleased with the continuing development and expansion plans that they have put in place over the years and are continuing to develop their business even further.

WSR look forward to their continued working relationship with HBC on their new 2014 Residual Waste contract, and on the existing 2011 HBC contract and hopefully to sustain longevity with HBC as their local authority partner and in doing so helping the local community.


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WSR Recycling Ltd. Registered Office: Ditton Road, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 0PA. Registration No: 02551069
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