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Our Business Sectors
WSR Recycling is widely experienced across a growing number of sectors.
Increasing environmental legislation on waste generation puts a continual pressure on commercial organisations to ensure that they use a competent waste management company.
Since 2000 WSR Recycling Ltd has seen a marked increase in trading with commercial organisations including industries such as:
Construction & Demolition;
Waste Management
The services that we offer our commercial industry base are designed to offer full compliance with Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act (Duty of Care) and ensure there is a fully compliant audit trail ‘cradle to grave’ for their waste.
Additionally, we ensure that all our waste management operations fulfil ours and our customer’s duty to apply the waste hierarchy as required by Regulation 12 of the Waste (England & Wales) Regulations 2011.
Our commercial customers see the need to divert as much waste away from landfill as possible which is where WSR are able to assist them with all of their waste management needs. As a consequence, WSR go further by offering waste consultancy services which includes advice on aspects such as environmental permitting, waste treatment and minimisation and performing formal ‘Duty of Care’ audits for various waste outlets. From this we can assist in identifying compliant and cost effective solutions.

WSR Recycling Ltd has always had a proud tradition of working in our local community and providing waste management services to domestic customers.
Our domestic customer base was for many years the foundation of the company’s activities and, although we have grown considerably since 2000 we still feel our domestic customer base is as important now as it was then.
To meet the needs of our domestic customers we retain a fully serviced fleet of skip vehicles ready to be routed to our customer’s locations on request. Furthermore, we have over 300 skip containers (both open and enclosed) ranging in sizes from 2 – 20 yard3 dependent on the size of the project and the wastes being generated.
We treat our domestic customers with the same level of service that would be expected from the large commercial organisations we work with.
This includes ensuring the maximum amount of material is re-used or recycled and ensuring our activities have a minimal impact on the local environment.
Although there might not be the same legislative requirements imposed on our domestic customers, they can rest assured we will treat their waste in the same way.
WSR works with several local authorities from Cheshire, Lancashire, North Wales, Greater Manchester and Merseyside.
This work consists of a range of waste management needs including domestic waste such as household recyclables and residual waste as well as trade waste from commercial properties.
On top of this our street scene solution is able to cover the four aspects of street waste that councils tend to encounter; gully waste, street sweepings, litter waste and fly tipping material.
These waste areas are handled in a compliant manner with landfill avoidance being the driving force being the specialised processes used at WSR.
The residual waste that WSR receives from the authorities is from household waste collections. When it is brought onto site it is deposited in WSRs new £1.2million waste warehouse which allows the waste to be turned around within the authorities required permit stipulations. The investment in the new building has also allowed WSR to be able to house more of the 200,000 tonne permit limit that it is capable of processing annually.
Not only has the new building given WSR more storage room but the bays now allow for waste segregation which is important for authorities who are able to receive a clear audit trail of the waste they have produced. The Integrated Weighbridge Software that is utilised by WSR allows for clear and accurate data to be provided to authorities whenever it is required.